The Metaverse: An Impending Boom
The Metaverse: An Impending Boom That Could Reach $4 Trillion by 2032 Il Metaverse potrebbe essere pronto per un nuovo boom che potrebbe portare a un’industria del valore di $4 trilioni nei prossimi 10 anni, secondo Acumen, una società di ricerca e consulenza. I principali fattori dietro questa potenziale rinascita includono il gioco online, la […]
Greenart Coin announces the creation
Greenart Coin announces the creation and sale of NFTs Greenart Coin Ltd ha annunciato la creazione e la vendita di NFT (Non Fungible Token) basati su un grande capolavoro classico, il “Davide con la Testa Golia” di Caravaggio. Questa è una novità assoluta nel mercato delle opere d’arte digitali, in quanto i grandi classici della […]
GREEN ART COIN TRANSFORMS RENATO GUTTUSO’S PORTRAIT OF A WOMAN INTO NFT The International Platform of NFT GreenArt Coin is enriching the Repertoire of its collection of Works of Art by the Greatest Classical and Contemporary Masters. It was announced the publication and sale of two works by the Master Renato Guttuso, one of the […]
Greenart Coin is the world’s first cryptocurrency
Greenart Coin is the world’s first cryptocurrency that promotes sustainability Greenart Coin is the world’s first cryptocurrency that aims to promote sustainability. It is an ERC-20 token based on the Ethereum blockchain and its main goal is to finance sustainable projects, such as renewable energy and environmental conservation. Unlike other cryptocurrencies, Green Art Coin is […]
GREEN ART COIN REVOLUTIONIZES THE ART MARKET WITH KAZIMIR MALEVICH’S “SUPREMUS” NFTs, OWN A HISTORICAL DIGITAL MASTERPIECE 10/11/2023 Green Art Coin revolutionizes the art market with NFTs of Kazimir Malevich’s “I Supremus”: Own a Digital Historical Masterpiece GreenArt Coin, the most authoritative and innovative NFT platform in Italy that combines art and blockchain technology, is […]
GOYA PRESS RELEASE GOYA’S WORK BECOMES A PHILANTHROPIC NFT – FIRST TIME IN THE WORLD 11/10/2023 The Transformation of GOYA Artwork into a Philanthropic NFT In an unprecedented event, Greenart Coin ( announces the launch and commercialization of NFTs based on an important classical artwork from 1795 titled “Portrait Bust of the Gentle Matador Pedro […]
Greenart Coin supports dozens of projects
Greenart Coin we support dozens of projects Greenart Coin we support dozens of projects Greenart Coin we support dozens of projects for the protection of the planet, the fight against poverty, the health of the oceans and much more. We support dozens of projects to protect the planet, fight poverty, healthy oceans and many others. […]
Greenart Coin presented its project
Greenart Coin presented its project at the Rome Biennale Greenart Coin presented its project at the Rome Biennale, where the incredible NFT artwork “Demetra-Mother Earth” created by Maria Grazia Brunini was exhibited. This work was created on the NFT GREEN ART COIN platform.
THE “CRYPTOPOINT” BRAND STORE NETWORK IS BORN by GREENART COIN ( We are experiencing a profound economic and social transformation. Everywhere, in industry, in small and medium-sized production, sales and service companies, in schools and universities, interactive information on the Internet is changing the way of working, learning, living, maintaining mutual relationships and extend relations […]
NFT di ‘Retrato en busto del gentil matador; Pedro Romero’

L’opera di Goya che rivoluziona il mondo dell’arte digitale L’NFT creato da Greenart Coin (il primo sulle opere di Goya IN TUTTO IL MONDO) mira a portare l’attenzione sulla preziosa opera di Francisco Goya del 1795, intitolata ‘Retrato en busto del gentil matador; Pedro Romero’. Questo eccezionale dipinto cattura l’immagine di Pedro Romero, un rinomato […]