NFT di ‘Retrato en busto del gentil matador; Pedro Romero’

L’opera di Goya che rivoluziona il mondo dell’arte digitale L’NFT creato da Greenart Coin (il primo sulle opere di Goya IN TUTTO IL MONDO) mira a portare l’attenzione sulla preziosa opera di Francisco Goya del 1795, intitolata ‘Retrato en busto del gentil matador; Pedro Romero’. Questo eccezionale dipinto cattura l’immagine di Pedro Romero, un rinomato […]


GREENART COIN LAUNCHES “A DRAWING THAT CHANGE THE WORLD” THE FIRST WORLDWIDE PROJECT BASED ON ETHICAL NFTS TO HELP CHILDREN IN POOR COUNTRIES AND AT WAR Greenart Coin wants to bring to the attention of the institutions a project with charitable purposes called: “A DESIGN THAT CHANGES THE WORLD”. Greenart Coin owns an NFT Platform […]

Cryptocurrencies, 14 million Italians have bought them or are interested

Despite the difficult year of cryptocurrencies, between bubbles and crashes of exchange platforms, blockchain projects of companies and public administrations do not slow down in the world. There is a +13% on 2021. In Italy, interest in cryptocurrencies is increasing: more than 7 million have already purchased them and another 7 million say they are […]

Binance Custody Introduces New Off-Chain Settlement Service, Binance Mirror

Binance Custody, a regulated and compliant institutional digital asset custodian, today announced the official launch of Binance Mirror, its off-exchange settlement solution enabling institutions to access trading and investment products within the Binance Exchange ecosystem without having to post collateral directly on the exchange. Through Binance Mirror, institutions lock a specified amount of their asset […]


THE FIRST CRYPTO ETHICS IS ITALIAN Presented in Rome at the archaeological area of the Domitian Stadium, during the review of the events scheduled by the Biennale, Green Art Coin (GAC), the first ethical cryptocurrency that is also an NFT platform for artists and collectors. During the event, Maria Grazia Brunini’s impact work “Demetra, Mother […]

Fourteenth Edition for the International Art “Biennale” in Rome

The fourteenth edition of the International Art Biennale of Rome will take place from 10 to 19 September 2022 at the Domitian Museum (Piazza Navona). The Biennale was born with the desire to represent a valid moment of encounter between heterogeneous artistic realities, also involving international structures. Emerging and professional painters and sculptors, extensively describe […]

Are NFTs the future of Art and photography?

Many see the future of art in NFTs. Some, on the other hand, still miss the meaning of NFT art. However, it is a fact that in March 2021 the contemporary artist Beeple manages to sell his work Everydays: The First 5000 Days as NFT for the sum of 9 million dollars during an online […]

Will cryptocurrencies allow economic freedom?

Although its origins are all in technology, cryptocurrencies are gradually expanding into other areas of real life. The “crtptocurrency” today are a currency traded on a par with the traditional currency, due to their diffusion and progressive regulation in many countries, which has given more and more security to every type of user. It all […]

6 Fantastic Crypto Wallets and where to find them

Below is a short guide to help cryptocurrency investors choose the right digital wallet. Wallet for Binance Smart Chain (BSC) As Binance SmartChain (BSC) is a relatively new chain, not all wallets currently support BEP-20 tokens. When you find a wallet that supports BSC, there are a few types and options to choose from. Safekeeping, […]